Welcome to Tidy Tails!

At Tidy Tails, I believe that your dog's welfare should always be top priority. I therefore offer a one to one personalised service so that I can focus solely on your pet. By working on my own, this allows for a less stressful and calmer setting. I can also accommodate breaks and show your pet more affection than if they were in a busy salon environment.

My interest in grooming started after getting our Cockapoo. Having a background in hairdressing I decided to learn how to groom my own dog, which soon spilled over to family and friends pets, as an interest and hobby.

Wanting to take this further, I studied at Groom-Arts Academy in St.Albans and achieved my Level 2 City & Guilds qualification.

Being made redundant from my job of 19 years, I decided to take the opportunity to pursue dog grooming as a career and studied for, and attained my Level 3 City & Guilds qualification at the award winning Dogs Delight salon in Chiswick, London.

I am fully insured and qualified in Pet First Aid.